July 25, 2014

Trey Gowdy Fillets and Grills IRS Chief - Right after He Cleans his Unbelievable BS

By Elizabeth Nelson

I would love to see Trey Gowdy as President or Vice President, because this man doesn't take crap from anyone and he understands the law; he'd better, he was a prosecutor.  Watching him take on IRS Commissioner, Mr. Koskinen is like watching Mikhail Baryshnikov dance, it's almost rhythmic.  

However, this isn't the first time Koskinen has been called before House Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy.  So, he had to have known that he was outmatched and had to have had some idea that this would have been over well before it even began.

The question at hand is whether Lois Lerner’s emails have indeed been destroyed – as previously claimed by Koskinen himself and whether or not he helped get rid of them.  In the video we watch Koskinen  sputter and gag on Gowdy’s exhaust, as the South Carolina prosecutor puts the pedal to the medal  – sparing no one and slamming the commissioner for whining about “low IRS morale.”  It's amazing to watch Gowdy work and we can almost feel sorry for the little pale man. No.

It was like the IRS chief was on a big wheel, while Gowdy was  drifting around him effortlessly in a Nissan GT-R Nissmo.  Face it, nobody can make a lying bureaucrat squirm like Trey Gowdy.

July 24, 2014

Bill Clinton Has an Energizer Bunny

By Kim D.

Are you really shocked that Bill Clinton has a mistress? Yeah, me neither, so the real question perhaps is does this news, which is being revealed August 4th in Ronald Kessler's new book, The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents, hurt Hillary Clinton?

Watch the harpies of The View discuss this latest gossip: 

Breaking: Ted Cruz Has Lost the Vampire Vote!

By Kim D.

HBO's True Blood, the vampire series, likes to get down and dirty with pop culture and has taken political anti-conservative, anti-Christian slaps before, but last Sunday's episode blowback from its intended victim, Ted Cruz, came back with a huge bite. 

Woman in Labor Unable to Cross Street to Hospital Because of Obama Motorcade

Talk about bad optics . . . gotta get to those fundraisers!

Click HERE to see video!
By Samia Khan & Robert Kovacik of NBC News 4 Los Angeles

Afternoon Radio Theater: Luke Slaughter of Tombstone - "Big Business" (June 8, 1948)

Rick Perry Takes Charge On Securing The Border!

Did the Obamas Just Buy a Home in Palm Springs?

By Kim D.

Rumor has it that President Obama has purchased a home in the Palm Springs area. Although the White House press secretary dismissed the notion as inaccurate, unidentified real estate sources told the Los Angeles Times that the First Family is in escrow on the custom-built compound in the ritzy Thunderbird Heights community of Rancho Mirage, Calif.  

The address is 70555 Thurderbird Mesa Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, and if rumor turns to reality, the Obamas are purchasing the home for a steal. The property was listed at $9.5 million in 2006, then again at $7 million in March 2013. It was reduced six times since early 2013 to its current price of $4.25 million.

It would definitely appear that Obama will not be dead broke when he leaves the White House and will have benefited tremendously from the failed economy his policies have perpetuated. The 8,200-square-foot former home of novelist Joseph Wambaugh sits down the slope from the highest property on Thunderbird Mesa Drive, the home of Michael Smith, a personal friend of first lady Michelle Obama and the interior designer of the Sunnylands Center and Oval Office of the White House.

The property listing boasts: If spectacular views [and] privacy are important to you, look no further. Here you will find world-class living at this private, hilltop desert estate w/ ideal year round weather [and] over 100 nearby golf courses. Located in the exclusive gated community of Thunderbird Heights, this custom built compound with a 6100 sq ft, 4 bdrm, 4.5 bath main home [and] a stunning 2000 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 3 bath casita will surely please the most discriminating buyer. No expense was spared in creating this must see property.Elevators, motor court, pool, 2 spas, manicured grounds, 20' waterfall, rock formed lagoon, misting system, extensive water features [and] a putting green w/ sand trap are a just few of the many amenities in this one-of-a-kind estate. The main home features a master retreat w/ gym, tanning [and] spa rooms. Perched up on its own hilltop, and nested against the bighorn sheep preserve, ensures complete privacy and security within it's gated 3.29 acres. The panoramic views are breathtaking, both day [and] night.

Greg Gutfeld: Michael Moore - Gold-Rimmed, Blue-Collar Hypocrite.

Fundraising in Hollywood with Lay Z

Trey Gowdy Kicks IRS Commissioner John Koskinen's Ass...Again.

Gowdy hits Koskinen with so many rights it's surprising the IRS chief liar doesn't beg for a left.

Our Campaigner in Chief off to more fundraisers.

By Rob Janicki

Hardly a week goes by, despite what world crises are taking place, that our president, the Campaigner in Chief, is actually not off for one or more campaign fundraisers around the United States.  And all this is at the expense of taxpayers, of course, despite the fact that President Obama is not running for any political office.

Many people ask why President Obama is still in campaign mode and the answer is simply twofold. 

First, Obama has no other real talents to speak of.  He is a people person first and foremost, but not really because he necessarily likes the people he schmoozes with to fleece them of their disposable political campaign fund money.  It's just a gift he has.  Unfortunately for America, that's just about the only gift he has, since he has never demonstrated any leadership or management skills as president.  And why should he demonstrate any of those skills?  He has White House flunkies do that for him, most of which are purely political types.  These people base Obama's decisions, and they are almost always political decisions, on polling rather than on principles of governance, management and leadership.  They read polls like fortune tellers read tea leaves, only they're a lot better at reading polls.

We've written ad nauseam about President Obama's narcissism so I won't go into that topic much more, other than to say that the president's fundraising is directly tied into and feeds his narcissism.  Narcissists need constant positive feedback to energize their overblown image of their own self worth.  What better way to get that regular positive feedback about how wonderful they are than to go out and engage in the one personal trait they possess that is far above all other personal traits they may possess.

Let's face it.  President Obama is one supremely gifted bullshit artist of the highest order.  He understands his audiences and what they need to hear from him and in what kind of language and dialect he must deliver his daily speeches.  It's almost a symbiotic relationship he establishes early on with each and every audience that he addressed in a speech he delivers.  Obama has learned well from the likes of Rev, Wright and many other Black preachers, in how to create an awe inspiring sermon like speech with the sing song cadence of a Southern Baptist preacher type speaker.  I am forced to give President Obama his due on this point.  He is very, very good at this type of speech delivery with its captivating cadence and syncopation.

Thus, as President Obama delivers his prototypical sermon to the masses, the masses of people he speaks to return the favor by exhibiting unabashed love and enchantment for his mere presence to speak to them.  This is the second and most important reason that Obama regularly goes out on the campaign trail to fund raise.  It is the most necessary feedback that the president needs and craves.  All one needs to do to understand a narcissist is to know that their world revolves around them.  Thus, every speech Obama has ever given is strewn with personal pronouns of I. me, mine and my.  It's always about Obama and the gifts that his followers perceive him to possess.  Obama delivers what his audiences want and need and in return his audiences provide him with all the adoration and attention that his narcissism wants, needs and actually demands.

What I find interesting is that in the face of hard questions of Obama taking time out to campaign, his staff of sycophants invariably throws out the narrative that Obama is always in touch with what is going on in the world.  In today's instantaneous electronic communications, that is true.  The real problem with this reply is that it does not address the time the president needs to accumulate, digest, analyze and formulate coherent thinking on an issue.  Everyone that has ever faced a series of perplexing facts in the midst of a crisis, knows that it takes time to ruminate over all the input data in order to facilitate an understanding of the problem and to determine a series of possible outcomes based on a prioritization of those possible outcomes.

In the final analysis, President Obama relies upon his inner most circle of advisers, whose numbers can be counted on one hand.  The problem is that the voters did not elect these advisers to make the decisions a president must make.  Without the time to address and analyze each problem or crisis that comes along, America is actually being lead by a shadow leader or leaders and no one on the outside of the Oval Office of the President knows who is really making those decisions. 

History Byte: July 24, 1974 - The Court decision that ended Nixon’s presidency

Constitution Center

On display at the National Constitution Center: Recorder installed in the White House. Courtesy of Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, National Archives and Records Administration
It was 40 years ago today that the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a fatal blow to President Richard Nixon’s presidency, in a decision that led to the release of the Watergate tapes.

The case of United States v. Nixon reached the Court on July 8, 1974, after it had concluded its prior term. The Justices found themselves in uncharted territory as it had to an executive privilege claim filed by President Nixon’s attorneys.
A grand jury has returned indictments against seven Nixon aides, including former Attorney General John Mitchell, as part of the Watergate investigation. Leon Jaworski, a special prosecutor appointed by President Nixon, and the seven defendants wanted access to audio tapes of conversations recorded by President Nixon in the White House...   READ MORE

Gigolo John enjoyed a complete strip search before his audience with Egyptian president.

By Rob Janicki

Okay, that strip search never occurred (as far as we know), but what did occur was almost as good a humiliation of our Secretary of State, John "Lurch" Kerry, as can be imagined for an American Secretary of State.  It couldn't have happened to a ... (you fill in the blank)

An unusual screening process occurred involving Kerry and his State Department team as they were subjected to a metal detector before meeting with President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi at the Egyptian presidential palace.

Reuters reports that Kerry and his aides were checked with a metal detector. Security personnel reportedly raised a handheld metal-detector wand to Kerry’s suit jacket before waving him through.

Kerry’s aides were also subjected to the handheld wand and were told to walk through a metal detector. 

Bendable, Not Breakable.

July 23, 2014

As Dirty Harry said, "Well I'm all broken up about that man's rights.": Joseph Rudolph Wood

By Will Profit

As far as I'm concerned botched executions are part and parcel of the death penalty.

I believe snafus such as what happened during the execution of Joseph Wood sends a couple of strong messages to people who would as soon kill you/me as to look at us.

We are going to kill you back more than likey via lethal injection.

You may not expire as quickly as your victims did.

You may suffer a slow painful death. 

A condemned Arizona inmate gasped and snorted for more than an hour and a half during his execution Wednesday before he died in an episode sure to add to the scrutiny surrounding the death penalty in the U.S.

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne's office said Joseph Rudolph Wood was pronounced dead at 3:49 p.m., one hour and 57 minutes after the execution started

Wood's lawyers had filed an emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court while the execution was underway, demanding that it be stopped. The appeal said Wood was "gasping and snorting for more than an hour."

What did Joe Woods do to rate the death penalty?